Monday, January 11, 2010


It is so nice to see Bella happy and playing again. Here, she is shredding her Dad's dentist bill and treatment plan all over the living room floor. He didn't want to get those cavities filled anyways! Her adopted brother Fluffy (who is 17, blind in one eye, and completely deaf) tried to get in on the fun, but he was given numerous paw thwacks to the head for his trouble.

He was not amused.


  1. Hi Bella! We heard about ou over on Sparkle's blog and came by to say hello! It's nice to meet you. And we're glad you are doing better!

    We'll visit again sometime!

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey

  2. Fluffy is just gorgeous - so glad Bella is getting into mischief again.

  3. Thanks for visiting! It is nice to meet you too!

  4. Fluffy is doing pretty well for being such an old man! Aside from his vision and hearing problems, he is still getting around just fine and enjoys playing and fighting with his sisters.

    We are so happy to see Bella being playful again, too. I think she was depressed when she didn't have much control over her walking!

  5. Bella, this is our first visit here and sorry to hear about your leg. Glad to hear that you are feeling better now. Good girl, ripping up that bill. That was a good one to destroy.
